In the Visayan language, Amihan means a cool northeast wind, and Habagat refers to southwest or west monsoon in the southwest. The Habagat season is humid and hot, with frequent heavy rains and a predominant west wind. The Amihan season is defined by moderate temperatures with little or no rain and a predominant wind from…
All posts in Health

The Keto Diet and Effective Weight Loss
If you have wanted to lose some extra pounds, you might have discovered the ketogenic diet, which is widely known as the Keto diet. It is a well-known effective weight loss planning that promises substantial weight reduction in a short time. However, far coming from what most people feel it to become, the diet is…

Need To Learn About Surprising Benefits
It’s a way that’s used for manipulating the soft tissues of your body and is used to relieve muscle tension, pain, and stress. Massage therapy is an incredible stress and pain reliever, but it’s valuable in realizing how much you may expect to pay for it. Therapeutic massage therapists depend upon repeat business, so establishing…

Methods Best Skin Care Products Could Make You Invincible
It nourishes, soothes, and regenerates the pores and skin, inflammation, and it’s glorious to use for varied skin situations acne, eczema, and psoriasis. If you are concerned about the amount of oil your skin is producing or if you’re struggling with blackheads or acne, make an appointment to look for a board-licensed dermatologist. One other…

Keto Chewing Gum Is Setting New Expectations For What Dieting Can Be
If you’re looking for a way to jumpstart your weight loss efforts, you might want to try chewing keto gum. Not only does it offer a fast and convenient way to achieve ketosis, but it’s also been shown to help improve mental focus and concentration, as well as boost willpower. What is Keto Chewing Gum…